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Ranking question type (drag&drop)

I am missing a question type for a ranking functionality in Netigate that works with drag and drop. The ranking function in the classical matrix question type is not very user friendly and from my point of view not state of the art.

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  • Oct 6 2022
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  • Guest commented
    February 04, 2023 19:36


    As far as I know, Netigate does not include an optimal question type for ranking response options. I have been taught to do according to the screen clip below and have experienced that the respondent does not always have the energy to answer. I think it is because the matrix makes it a bit difficult for the respondent. This type of question is also used when it is not about ranking.

    Could you develop an arrangement as below instead?

    Rank how important the following areas are to you when buying a BingoLott.

    Give the most important a 1 and the least important a 5.

    (The respondent has the following numbers to place: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the numbers given in front of the answer options below are the respondent's made-up answers.)

    4 The amount of the highest bet

    1 How often you win

    3 That the surplus goes to Sweden's non-profit organizations and associations

    2 Entertainment

    5 The tension

    I participated in your webinar 2022-02-18 held by Harvard professor Felix Oberholzer-Gee. He seemed like a nice guy and gave tips on giving clients 100 points to spread across a bunch of value drivers to find out which ones are important. In any case, I think such a type of question would be super exciting if you could introduce it into Netigate. It feels like it is somewhat related to the ranking question above. If a question type like this could consist of either the respondent having a bunch of points to distribute à la Felix's suggestion, or the respondent has, for example, the numbers 1-5 to place on the desired answer options.

    Hope that it is possible to understand what is said above!